Postcard sale with proverbs and sayings about water and/or peace

The international water theme for 2024 is ‘Water & Peace’. For this reason, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC has collected proverbs and sayings on water and/or peace from all over the world via its ‘1 Million Youth Actions Challenge‘. These have been turned into postcards, which are now available for purchase through the World Water Library. The entire amount of the sales of these cards will be used to finance 1MYAC projects by young people and to procure documents for the newly launched World Water Library. The unit price is CHF 2.00 / Euro per card. A total of 642 different postcard subjects are available.

Orders: Please indicate the number of the postcard – i.e. the respective pdf page – and the desired quantity. Orders should be sent by e-mail to:

You will receive a written confirmation after receipt of your order, including the shipping costs. After receipt of the advance payment, the postcards will be sent to the postal address in Switzerland or abroad specified by you.