Touched by water

Welcome to the World Water Library – the interactive centre and meeting place for everything to do with water. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of water and experience it with all your senses in our interactive and informative World Water Library. Learn exciting information about this vital element at the various indoor and outdoor stations.

The World Water Library. The source of the world.

Home harbour of water

The World Water Library is much more than a normal library. The World Water Library is a meeting place between countries and generations. Where solutions for the world of tomorrow are developed together. Where knowledge is created.

"My world water library."

” We are all contributing to shaping what the library will look like one day,” say the initiators Ernst Bromeis and Daniel Maselli. They are calling on organisations and individuals from around the world to bring or send special books, pictures or films to Reichenau. You too can become part of the World Water Library. 

Experience together

Come to the World Water Library with your school class or students and immerse yourself in the world of water. Experience with your class why water is important for people, nature and the economy and why it presents an increasingly significant challenge. 

For life

The World Water Library and its people aim to be a powerful source of systemic change. It acts as a vessel of change for a water-secure world for future generations.

The initiators

The World Water Library is an initiative of the Graubünden Water Network/The Blue Wonder and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC.

Opening hours

Opening hours will be announced at the official opening in June 2024.

Upcoming river passages:

  • Launch on the occasion of UN World Water Day, 21 March 2024
  • Visit to the cantonal school in Chur, 26 March 2024
  • Vernissage of the first collection of documents in June 2024
  • Visit to the Grisons secondary school headmasters’ conference, 5 June 2024
  • Visit by learners and parents from Hotel Schweizerhof Lenzerheide, 21 June 2024
  • Blue Summit Switzerland, 5 September 2024